Singer Shilpa Rao says her latest song emphasises on how everyone is a work in progress as human beings. The "Ghungroo" hitmaker has sung "Aadhe aadhe se" in the new Netflix film, "Raat Akeli Hai". Composed by Sneha Khalwankar, Shilpa has recorded the number along with Mika Singh. Talking about her experience of working on the song, Shilpa said: "It is a funny story. The composer and I never got along well. Then Anurag Kashyap made us sit together and insisted that we work together on the song. That's how we met and decided to work on this song. I really enjoyed working with her, not just working with her but her persona. I hope it was likewise for her." "This song is about growth and how we all are 'work in progress' as human beings, as lovers, as musicians, as artistes and that was something which resonated in Sneha and me while we worked on the song. To me, the song symbolises the word 'acceptance' an...