Leading edtech platform WhiteHat Jr on Friday launched live online classes in music -- starting with piano and guitar -- in India and the US, as the company aims to create a one-on-one music experience for kids to help them build confidence and boost their cognitive development. The company organised over 10,000 trials during the beta phase limited to paid WhiteHat Jr students, and has onboarded more than 800 trained music teachers to deliver one-to-one sessions, leveraging a custom-built music learning platform. "The online music learning is currently available for students from grade 1 to grade 12 in India and the US, with more countries to follow soon. We have hired a great pool of teachers and each of them went through 500 hours of training via our in-depth programme," Karan Bajaj, CEO and Founder, WhiteHat Jr, told IANS. "We are close to announcing a contract with a renowned music school that will help students further their interest in the music stream. Our next g...