Veteran singer Udit Narayan has completed four decades in the film industry and to mark the milestone, he has launched his own Youtube channel. Udit Narayan, who started his career with the movie "Unees-Bees" in 1980, said: "This industry has been kind to me. It has given me everything. And with people's blessings and love, today successfully I am marking 40 years in the industry." The singer said his "only aim was to make a place in Indian film and music industry and moreover to be in people's heart". He credits his fans for being feted with several honours. The veteran singer says his son Aditya Narayan told him that he was "the most viewed male singing artists on YouTube and there he encouraged me to come and embrace it". About his father stepping into the digital space with his own channel, Aditya said: "The internet has made this world such a small place and I believe that it is the perfect time to begin t...